List of pages in Ricotta:
- Ricotta of Romagna and pickles on grilled bread
- Mezze maniche with Ricotta of Romagna and basil
- Tortelli d'erbetta in crema di parmigiano
- Zucchini omelettes with mint ricotta
- Meatballs with Ricotta of Romagna, cherry tomatoes and peanuts
- Little lasagna with kiwi and Ricotta of Romagna
- Cappelletti of Romagna
- Squids stuffed with raw ham and Ricotta of Romagna
- Cheese Cake
- Crumble al cocco con fragole e Ricotta di Romagna
- Sfogliatine alla Ricotta di Romagna con uvetta, noci pecan e sciroppo d'acero.
- Mini double chocolate Muffin